Shawnee Mission Hospital Tower
Merriam, KS
The renovation of Tower 2 at AdventHealth Shawnee Mission has transformed the aging six-story building into a state-of-the-art environment for patients, staff, caregivers and other visitors.
Originally constructed in 1972, Tower 2 is the oldest structure on campus and lacked the efficiency, modern amenities and aesthetics of other AdventHealth facilities.
The $29.2 million revitalization included upgrading the1972 building’s outdated infrastructure, standardizing nursing units to improve staff efficiencies and renovating patient care areas. As part of the building modernization, McCarthy replaced and enlarged 220 exterior windows to create a brighter, more pleasant environment in patient rooms.
Divided into two phases, the interior renovation of levels 2 through 5 involved constructing the north half of each floor while the south half remained occupied, and vice versa. All construction activities were tightly coordinated with the active Behavioral Health Unit on level 6 as well as the Administration Offices and Pharmacy on level 1.
The construction of full-size patient room mock-ups provided each nursing unit with opportunities to review proposed spaces and provide valuable feedback that refined the final spaces.
The renovation of Tower 2 has led to significant improvements in staff efficiency, patient care and the overall patient experience. Increased access to natural light, more effective management of sound and ambient noise, careful detailing to standardize nursing units, and consistent upgrades to all finishes have contributed to positive outcomes for everyone who interacts with the space.
Patient and staff satisfaction with the renovated facility has been overwhelmingly positive, as demonstrated in formal surveys as well as ongoing informal feedback.