Soka University Life Sciences Building & Residence Hall
Aliso Viejo, CA
Located along the school’s central lawn, the Marie & Pierre Currie Hall hosts teaching and research labs, classrooms, a lecture hall and faculty offices that support the life sciences program. Core lab facilities, including an aquatics lab, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), accommodate advanced research and help recruit new faculty. A collaboration spine with meeting rooms, open study areas, communication stairs and exhibit space fosters interdisciplinary interaction and sharing. The residence hall is a four-story building with 50 rooms, made up of single- and double-bedroom dormitories.
Both projects were designed to accommodate a LEED Gold Building Certification, and an exterior architectural design pallet that will respect the current design features, landscaping and cultural aspects of the campus.

Awards and Recognition
LEED Gold Certification
Trade Partners
Owner’s Representation/Program Manager: GTO Companies