Banner Estrella Medical Center
Phoenix, AZ
Two new parking garages were part of the Banner Estrella Tower Expansion and Campus Renovation project. The visitor garage totals 167,614 square-feet and provides 417 parking spaces. The staff garage totals 171,619 square-feet and provides 420 parking spaces.
The staff garage schedule was accelerated and opened one month early, which served to significantly help with the displacement of staff parking during the hospital's tower construction.
The project was implemented using a multi-phase approach to maximize parking during construction and to ensure the hospital's heavy pedestrian traffic was accommodated during the campus construction project. In addition, our construction team developed pedestrian friendly way-finding signage to accommodate patients and visitors during each phase of construction.
The staff garage has below-grade facilities management space and the visitor garage has speed ramp to facilitate a quick exit.
The facade of the garages incorporates architectural precast concrete and perforated metal panels to compliment the existing hospital. All construction occurred on an existing healthcare campus (one of the busiest in the West Valley).
This fast-track hospital construction project included the building of a 6-story, 279,000-square-foot tower that delivers 178 additional private patient beds and serves the growing West Valley, bringing the total number of beds at Banner Estrella to 392.
The lower level through the fourth floor of the new tower was completely built-out and includes new obstetrical suites, neonatal intensive care unit capacity, cardiac catheterization labs and endoscopy suite. The fifth and sixth floors were shelled for future build-out, as needed by the community.
Renovation of the existing hospital included over 154,000 square feet of phased renovation work throughout the D&T building and two floors of the patient tower.
Lost-Time Incident Rate
McCarthy project to win ENR National Safety Award

I am very proud to be working with such a fantastic group of people. The McCarthy team on the BEMC Expansion is one if the best (if not the best) that I have encountered.
Sr. Project Manager at Banner Healthcare
SmithGroup JJR