Alex Belkofer
Sr. Director, Virtual Design & Construction
St. Louis

Throughout his 16-year career, Alex has drawn upon his wide network to maintain expertise across industry challenges and best practices and identify gaps in construction workflows. With an intrinsic understanding of the industry, Alex has been pivotal in key product innovations and plays a crucial role in translating regional product requirements for global R&D. He has a knack for distilling complex concepts and communicating solutions in a way that all audiences can understand. His passion and drive for construction technology is to push the industry to leverage best-in-class solutions focused on effective project delivery and lean principles for value-added outcomes.
As a regional leader and national collaborator at McCarthy, Alex is responsible for the overall strategy, implementation, and execution of the virtual design and construction (VDC) lifecycle process between all project stakeholders. From corporate office to construction site, the VDC Team promotes, trains and guides project teams through BIM-enabled uses and workflows over the course of a building’s project lifecycle. Alex works closely with Project Directors, Managers, Owners, and A/E partners to establish early expectations and project deliverables at all project phases. Alex serves in steering the McCarthy’s National VDC Leadership Core Team to enhance the delivery and consistency of BIM-enabled strategies, best practices, and digital transformation company-wide.
Alex’s passion and drive for construction technology is to push the industry to leverage best-in-class solutions focused on effective project delivery and lean principles for value-added outcomes. He is actively involved with various national organizations focused on construction technology and digital transformation such as the National Institute of Building Science’s (NIBS) National BIM Program, AGC of Missouri’s Design & Construction Technology Advisory Committee (DCTC), Campus FM Technology Association (CFTA), Design-Build Institute of America’s (DBIA) VDC Committee, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) BIM/CIM Consortia. He also serves philanthropically with Junior Achievement (JA) of Greater St. Louis and other workforce development initiatives.
Alex holds an AGC Certificate of Management-Building Information Modeling (CM-BIM) and earned a dual degree in Architecture and Construction Systems Management from The Ohio State University.