Fermin Glasper, P.S.
Vice President
Los Angeles

As Vice President for McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., Fermin Glasper, P.S. leads the Specialized Solutions Group (SSG) in the Southern Pacific Region, providing scalable solutions for ongoing work programs within occupied facilities. He is also responsible for overseeing the delivery of McCarthy’s Subsurface Utility Mapping (SUM) and geospatial services.
As a business leader, Fermin is service-oriented, nimble, and provides unique solutions that drive operational efficiency, on projects of all sizes. His proven background, entrepreneurial spirit, and passion for delivering high-quality results contribute to his ability to lead some of our most dynamic builders.
Fermin holds a bachelor’s degree in business management and administration from National Louis University and an associate degree in civil construction technology and is a Geomatics Engineer with more than two decades of applied experience. He is the founder of the Young Investors Club and serves on the advisory board for Brothers@ and the Transformative Leadership in Disruptive Times Executive Program at the University of California, Riverside. He is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineering, the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute, and the American Association for Geodetic Surveying.